Today, a vast majority of startups and businesses are active on some form of social media. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter, social media is a vital part of businesses. Add this to the rise of smartphone ownership, social media has also changed how banks and other businesses interact with customers. Data collected from these platforms give valuable insights that can help banks optimize their services for users. That’s why fintech startups are now looking to leverage social media to deliver innovative solutions to customers.
MoeME – How it works
MoeME is a community-specific messenger that helps users grow their network and strengthen their expertise. Think of MoeME as a platform that connects brokerage companies, securities companies, and experts with individual investors who want to acquire more information. Most of the channels on MoeME are operated by securities companies, asset management companies, and private information companies.
Users who want to join the platform can download the MoeME app by simply entering their email. Once logged into the app, any user can become a Channel Operator. They are free to post and grow their channel’s subscriber base. Or they can simply subscribe to other Channel operators in the areas they are interested in.
MoeME monitors every channel to make sure the information being shared is accurate. Currently, MoeME has over 23,000 subscribers and its aim is to get over 600,000 subscribers by 2024.
Functions within MoeME
Today, a vast majority of startups and businesses are active on some form of social media. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter, social media is a vital part of businesses. Add this to the rise of smartphone ownership, social media has also changed how banks and other businesses interact with customers. Data collected from these platforms give valuable insights that can help banks optimize their services for users. That’s why fintech startups are now looking to leverage social media to deliver innovative solutions to customers.
AVEapp is a social fintech company composed of IT development and business experts. They are the creators of MoeME, a social media platform that specializes in the security sector. Through the app, information providers can post relevant information on their timelines. Investors who subscribe to the provider’s channel get quick access to valuable data in real-time. Additionally, investors can also message providers in a separate chat room if they are interested in more data.
MoeME – How it works

MoeMEMoeME is a community-specific messenger that helps users grow their network and strengthen their expertise. Think of MoeME as a platform that connects brokerage companies, securities companies, and experts with individual investors who want to acquire more information. Most of the channels on MoeME are operated by securities companies, asset management companies, and private information companies.
Users who want to join the platform can download the MoeME app by simply entering their email. Once logged into the app, any user can become a Channel Operator. They are free to post and grow their channel’s subscriber base. Or they can simply subscribe to other Channel operators in the areas they are interested in.
MoeME monitors every channel to make sure the information being shared is accurate. Currently, MoeME has over 23,000 subscribers and its aim is to get over 600,000 subscribers by 2024.
Functions within MoeME
Channel Talk
MoeME offers a channel talk function where users can post to multiple channels and external social media simultaneously. In addition, through the web browser, there is a special feature called voice broadcasting where the channel operators can communicate with their subscribers in real-time through audio. The voice broadcasting transmission is only supported by the PC version. The mobile version is only available for reception. Moreover, the channel operators can clean the chat room of all chats and set alarm notifications for relevant news they want to share right away.
Most of the channels on MoeME are targeted at those that are interested in stock, finance, and real estate. Currently, there are over 530 channels. Through these communities, they can share advanced information and get access to information they would not easily have access to. In addition, MoeME can be used as a corporate business platform thanks to the open chat function which will help office communication.
Group Messaging
In addition, users can send the same message to each group of friends at the same time. The user who receives the message will receive it in a 1:1 chat.
MoeME is currently in its beta testing phase. Moreover, the official launch will take place in October of 2021. Local branches and corporations have been established in Japan and Vietnam and are planning to start promoting and selling services in the second half of 2021. Furthermore, the company is looking to expand to other countries in Southeast Asia moving forward. Aveapp, the creators of MoeME, also participated in “Korea Fintech Week 2021”, a global fintech expo hosted by the Financial Services Commission. In addition, the MoeME app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and the iOS Apple App Store.
View Interviews ▶ https://seoulz.com/collect-and-share-financial-information-with-moeme-by-aveapp/