
SNS Platform
It is an SNS platform specialized in the securities field that addresses the needs of individual investors who want to quickly check meaningful information and information providers who want to promote efficient operation and core targets.

Time line

By introducing a channel/subscription system, information can be viewed more quickly, and posts of subscribed channels can be checked at once in the timeline.
Channel talk

By using the channel talk function, you can simultaneously open multiple channels and external SNS.


For attention-grabbing conversations, try using special chat features that are only available in MoeME, such as voice broadcasting, screen shaking, cleaning the room, and banning small talk.

Screen shaking
Use Shake when you have a conversation to share right now.

No chat
Use the no chat when having important conversations.

Room cleaning
If you don’t need previous conversations, organize them all at once.

Channel Talk
Write a channel talk that is also posted on the timeline at the same time.
Group messaging

You can send a message with the same content to each one at once to a group of friends registered directly from your friend list. The user who receives the message is received by 1:1 chat.