Connect, Create and Grow
Creating optimized software solutions, AVEAPP always puts customer satisfaction first.


AVEApp is a SNS platform technology development company consisted with IT development experts and business experts. Currently, we are expanding our business areas in various fields with our partners in Korea, Japan and Vietnam.

The Main Products
Specialized in finance SNS service

Time Line
Introducing a channel information can be viewed more quickly, and posts of subscribed channels can be checked at once in the timeline.

Channel Talk
By using the channel talk function, you can simultaneously open multiple channels and external SNS.

For attention-grabbing conversations, try using special chat features that are only available in MoeME.

Group Messaging
You can send a message with the same content to each one at once to a group of friends registered directly from your friend list.

Moa Group Moa Group Moa Group Moa Group
Moa Group
Moa Group is a special messenger that allows you to gather and view groups such as multiple meetings or companies in one place.

Communicate with customers without difficulty and increase satisfaction in an easy-to-use way.

SNS Platform specialized in App in APP technology
We have server distribution and operation technology that can prepare for various situations with long service and development experience in the messenger field. wAVE consists of a library for server communication and an interface library for App in App communication.

SNS Platform specialized in App in APP technology
We have server distribution and operation technology that can prepare for various situations with long service and development experience in the messenger field. wAVE consists of a library for server communication and an interface library for App in App communication.